View more images from Ben’s Testimonial Launch event here

Rugby 7s Tournament

The inaugural Gloucestershire 7s tournament for junior clubs is to be played in the Kingsholm Stadium! This is a fantastic opportunity for local players to play at the iconic Gloucester home ground to fight it to be crowned County Champions.

Each team will have a Gloucester player as a celebrity coach for the day, and the winners will receive a free minibus for a year! This promises to be the start of another annual festival tradition for Gloucestershire!

Three Peaks Challenge

The ultimate climbing challenge in the UK – scaling the highest peaks in Scotland, England, and Wales within a 24-hour period. This is not for the faint-hearted – 23 miles, 3064 metres ascent, and 462 miles between them! Are you up for it?

World Cup Legends Dinner

This is the highlight of Ben’s Testimonial Year. A prestigious dinner to be headlined by the great Sir Geoff Hurst (still the only man to score the “perfect” hat-trick to win a World Cup final!). The dinner will also feature World Cup winners from a variety of sports (hopefully to include the England rugby team and the England Lionesses if all goes well later this year!) together with numerous sporting icons

Testimonial Year




The Ben Morgan No. 8 Testimonial Committee invites you to celebrate this landmark year by joining us at one of the exciting events we have planned and also help Ben raise funds for his chosen charities: 4Ed and the Sam Polledri Foundation.

It’s an honour to recognise Ben’s many years of service to the game and the rugby clubs he has touched along the way. We couldn’t stage this year without the generous support of friends, family, rugby clubs, and local businesses who will help make a difference.

Look out for Ben’s exciting events coming in 2023/24 – something for everyone including an inaugural 7s Gloucestershire rugby tournament, black tie dinners, sporting occasions and challenges but most importantly a bit of fun along the way.

Please follow Ben’s testimonial on social media for announcements and regular updates!

It’s going to be epic!





To be awarded a testimonial year at the club I have supported since I was a young boy is something truly special! I have been lucky enough to represent Gloucester over the last 11 years and it has been a real honour to be able to share my journey with family, friends, and supporters over the last decade. I’m very much looking forward to the year ahead and hope you can join us in the celebrations.


A word from the Chair

I am delighted to have been asked to take on the role of chairman for Ben’s testimonial year. A big thank you to all the Committee members who are working hard behind the scenes to bring you a year to remember! You can find their contact details online. Also a big thank you to all the local businesses who are supporting us in staging these events together. A true community effort and we hope for something for all rugby fans.

Ben’s testimonial year will also help two local charities. The 4Ed Foundation is very close to Ben’s heart following former teammate Ed Slater’s MND diagnosis. The 4Ed campaign aims to raise awareness and funds in support of Ed and his family in his battle with this cruel disease.

The Sam Polledri Foundation was established when Jake’s brother, Sam, sadly and suddenly passed away from a cardiac arrest last year. Its aim is to install defibrillators in as many public spaces as possible and is also a benefiting testimonial charity. Everything we do and raise for Ben Morgan will also support both of these great causes.

We are planning an exciting year of events in 2023/24, which we know you will love.

Thank you for your support and enjoy this year with a Gloucester Rugby favourite.”

Mike Napier

Event SPONSORSHIP Opportunities

By sponsoring and being involved with Ben’s events, companies and individuals can enjoy increased brand exposure through the event itself and social media reach. Sponsors will also benefit by gaining, for example, seats, tickets, merchandise, and rugby player opportunities as a return for their investment. Each event will deliver a unique set of sponsorship benefits.

If you would like to support Ben’s testimonial year but can’t see anything that suits your business or budget please do get in touch, and make a suggestion.

A word from the Chair

I am delighted to have been asked to take on the role of chairman for Ben’s testimonial year. A big thank you to all the Committee members who are working hard behind the scenes to bring you a year to remember! You can find their contact details online. Also a big thank you to all the local businesses who are supporting us in staging these events together. A true community effort and we hope for something for all rugby fans.

Ben’s testimonial year will also help two local charities. The 4Ed Foundation is very close to Ben’s heart following former teammate Ed Slater’s MND diagnosis. The 4Ed campaign aims to raise awareness and funds in support of Ed and his family in his battle with this cruel disease.

The Sam Polledri Foundation was established when Jake’s brother, Sam, sadly and suddenly passed away from a cardiac arrest last year. Its aim is to install defibrillators in as many public spaces as possible and is also a benefiting testimonial charity. Everything we do and raise for Ben Morgan will also support both of these great causes.

We are planning an exciting year of events in 2023/24, which we know you will love.

Thank you for your support and enjoy this year with a Gloucester Rugby favourite.”

Mike Napier

Event SPONSORSHIP Opportunities

By sponsoring and being involved with Ben’s events, companies and individuals can enjoy increased brand exposure through the event itself and social media reach. Sponsors will also benefit by gaining, for example, seats, tickets, merchandise, and rugby player opportunities as a return for their investment. Each event will deliver a unique set of sponsorship benefits.

If you would like to support Ben’s testimonial year but can’t see anything that suits your business or budget please do get in touch, and make a suggestion.

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